Chocolate Covered Banana Bites

My youngest son Cole goes bananas over the Trader Joe’s Gone Banana bites. Who am I kidding? So do his mom and I. They always sounded like such a “kid” treat to me, so I never gave them much thought after buying them and sticking them in the freezer. And then I tried one. Then two. Then three. Then, an entire box. They are crazy good. Obviously, by the looks of them, they seem very easy to make, so I decided to make them myself, taken up a notch of course.

Grab the tips and tricks for making these chocolate covered banana bites | Real Food by Dad

As I rummaged through the pantry, I realized that this could get messy. A fun messy though. Making these gives me an open canvas where I could go 101 ways with them. How cool is that?! So I grabbed some Ghirardelli dark chocolate, peanut butter, Nutella, caramel, marshmallows, coconut and Rice Krispies and went to work. And I came up with three delicious snackables that kids love and are parent approved – peanut butter and marshmallow, coconut and caramel, and Nutella and Rice Krispies.

Grab the tips and tricks for making these chocolate covered banana bites | Real Food by Dad

All of that work and within minutes of taking them out of the freezer, poof, they were gone. Cole woofed them down as if he hadn’t eaten in days. I threw several down myself and justified it by telling myself that there is fruit in them, so why not? And the pregnant momma here? Well, let’s just say, she requested another batch. Done. Easy enough. Now I just have to convince my other boy, Blake how good these are. He is definitely the pickiest in the family. Outside of that, there’s nothing better than making the family happy and feeling like a hero for a few minutes. And besides, it saves me from another trip to Trader Joe’s for a while.

Grab the tips and tricks for making these chocolate covered banana bites | Real Food by Dad

The next time I make these, if there are any left over, they are getting tossed into the BlendTec for a Summer smoothie of some kind. I think we would all go bananas over one of those.


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75 comments to " Chocolate Covered Banana Bites "

  • Love this idea! I’m going to have to hunt down those Trader Joe’s banana bites next time I’m in the store… that, or a bunch of bananas and dark chocolate. 🙂

  • Brian

    When I tried to make these about a week ago I had trouble with the peanut butter or Nutella getting soft due to the heat and then the banana would want to slide off. These do not do well in the freezer as the bananas will turn mushy when they thaw. I am wondering how you were able to combat the problem that I had with the peanutbutter to make yours look so uniform? And how were you able to dip them? Perhaps a video presentation will work?

    • Thanks Brian. I didn’t have the same trouble with peanut butter and Nutella sliding off, but to combat that problem try patting the banana slice dry prior to piping the spreads on top. And don’t forget, the more ripe the banana, the “wetter” its surface area will be once cut. Use bananas that are yellow and free of spots.

      As for the bananas turning mushy once removed from the freezer. that is the case if you leave the bananas in there too long or if you are working with bananas that are too ripe. The freezer is just to set the chocolate, so don’t leave it in there any longer than that. But if you do, yes, they will turn mushy–even the Trader Joe’s ones that inspired this have that mushed texture since they are sold as frozen banana bites.

      Hope that helps!

  • Carrie Higgs

    Hey, these look great for my son’s first birthday 🙂 he loves banana and peanut butter! Have you ever left them in the freezer for longer than 5 minutes or so? I doubt marshmallow would keep but, otherwise, was hoping I could mke them a few days in advance, and just pop them in the fridge to defrost?? Save some time at birthday weekend 🙂

    • Hi Carrie, you may be right about the marshmallow ones, they may not keep in there. They were gone too quickly here! All of the others yes for sure. If you do try that and they work, let me know. And what a fun idea for your son’s birthday! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  • These look delicious! I never had Trade Joe’s banana bites, but I’m sure they’re good. I’m gonna make the coconut caramel one. 🙂 Thanks for great recipe, Matt!

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